Düşünceler Hakkında Bilmek C# IEnumerable Nedir

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If an airline is "countable", this means that there MUST be a flight attendant present on the plane, whose sole job is to count:

şu demek oluyor ki çıktı custom bir enumerator derslikı yazmamıza lazım nanay yield keyword'ü ile compiler bunu üst planda bizim muhtevain yapıyor.

I understand why IQueryable is better choice for "out-of-memory" veri but I am struggling to understand why IEnumerable is better for "in-memory" veri? I still think it's better to get filtered veri than to get get veri and apply filter.

For example, if you do hamiş need to access items by index, but constantly insert items at the beginning of your collection and then remove items from the end, a Queue would be far more appropriate to use.

Although there are uses of IEnumerable other than "foreach", the uygun indication that one should implement IEnumerable is that the class is one where it would make sense to say "foreach foo in classItem foo.do_something(); .

So if you working with only in-memory veri collection IEnumerable is a good choice but if you want to query data collection which is connected with database `IQueryable is a better choice kakım it reduces network traffic and uses C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor the power of SQL language.

This is a nice videoteyp on youtube which demonstrates how these interfaces differ , worth a watch. Below goes a long descriptive answer for it.

Coming soon: Throughout 2024 we will be phasing out GitHub Issues bey the feedback mechanism for content and replacing it with a new feedback system. For C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor more information see: .

Your linq expression returns an enumeration, and by default the expression executes when you iterate through using the foreach. An IEnumerable linq statement executes when you iterate the foreach, but you güç force C# IEnumerable Kullanımı it to iterate sooner using .ToList().

There are C# IEnumerable Nedir many cases (such kakım an infinite list or a very large list) where IEnumerable cannot be transformed to a List. The most obvious examples are all the prime numbers, all the users of feysbuk with their details, or all the items on ebay. The difference is that "List" objects are stored "right here and right now", whereas "IEnumerable" objects work "just one at a time".

Kendi tanılamamladığımız “Person” tipinden “Current” property’si.Hedefimiz binacı metotla aldığımız collection üzerinde gezerken ele almış olduğumız nesneyi(Person) IEnumerator’dan mevrut “Current” property’sine irsal etmek,olası bir yanlış durumunda ise tıpkı collectionlarda olduğu üzere “IndexOutOfRangeException” hatası fırlatmak.

I think if your newly implemented class just behaves the sameway kakım a list does, there is no need to implement it. If you need some kind of custom logic, it depends on what you want to do; you dirilik inherit list or you kişi implement IEnumerable. It just depends what is to be achieved.

If you create an IEnumerable, then C# IEnumerable Nedir all rows will be pulled into memory as objects before running the query.

By "functionally equivalent," I mean that's actually what the compiler turns the code into. You birey't use foreach on baz in this example unless

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